Very user friendly robot; can help to do the delivery and reception jobs. During these special period, Pudu Robotics helped deliver food for many restaurants like HaDiLao Hot Pot, Xpot, dim sum restaurants, Mcdonald and many others different types to solve labor shortage and perfome clean delivery service. It help deliver medicineand food in many hospitals in China; and help doctors and nurse to reduce high pressure work and keep social distance. We are looking for global partner now. please contact my email : for more information
Very user friendly robot; can help to do the delivery and reception jobs. During these special period, Pudu Robotics helped deliver food for many restaurants like HaDiLao Hot Pot, Xpot, dim sum restaurants, Mcdonald and many others different types to solve labor shortage and perfome clean delivery service. It help deliver medicineand food in many hospitals in China; and help doctors and nurse to reduce high pressure work and keep social distance.
We are looking for global partner now. please contact my email : for more information